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Meet Our Human Resource Director

"A great person attracts great people and knows how

to hold them together." ~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Stephanie is a nature-lover and health & wellness enthusiast. She is from Costa Rica where she spent the majority of her childhood and teenage years before moving to the United States.
She is passionate about sharing wellness with others and is committed to her spiritual growth.
Stephanie enjoys practicing and teaching yoga as well as living yoga.

Stephanie Myrie ~ HR Director
& Senior Yoga Instructor

Amongst some of her hobbies are reading, traveling, writing, and dancing.Stephanie is a Certified Yoga Teacher and recently graduated

with her 200h level certificate from Caribe Yoga Academy in

Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica. She is also an Human Resources professional with over 10 years of experience in the HR field.Spiritual growth is one of her main priorities and she strongly believes that wellness and service to others begins by doing the work within yourself first. She hopes to share her knowledge as a way to encourage others to love and care for themselves in their own unique way. Stephanie believes that the answers we seek are and have always been within us, we just have to learn to listen.


© Breath Of Life Wellness & Yoga Center and Invictus Health Coaching, 2020 - 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material and logo without express and written permission from this website's / blog’s author(s) and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that the full and clear credit is given to Breath Of Life Wellness & Yoga Center and/or Invictus Health Coaching with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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